Event Name: Lecture Series: The Earth Reconstituted
Location: West Terrace
Event Date: Sunday, 9/15/2024
Event Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 2 hours
Purchase Deadline: Sunday, 9/15/2024 3:00 PM

With Janet Foster, Architectural Historian and Historic Preservation Consultant

In addition to its broadly varied landscape, Greenwood Gardens’ hardscape employs a surprisingly vast array of building materials, including concrete and stone, antique ceramic tiles and decorative metalwork, and graceful statuary sculpted from granite, limestone, marble, lead, and bronze. Each of these materials comes from the earth itself. This lecture will explore these materials and their role in American architecture and garden design of the 20th century, particularly as expressed at Greenwood Gardens.


Ticket: Price: Quantity: